Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

Agrii Seeds

Guarantee your seed of choice when you need it

A Science Based Approach to Variety Selection

Varieties are selected using the most extensive trials network in the UK - working with plant breeders to produce independent data that gives us the very best balanced views of what varieties can offer.

Our variety sustainability ratings allow us to provide growers with the highest level of resilience and consistency.

Master Seeds Quality

Our Master Seeds are tested more rigorously than both Cl and C2 Higher Voluntary Standard seed, providing you with product integrity so that you can sow with confidence.




Agrii Header Pulses



Cover Crops

Cover Crops


Agrii Crops Grass


Agrii Header Forage Roots


Agrii Services Farm Partnerships

Variety Sustainability Ratings

A sustainable approach to variety selection

Farm Saved Seed

Better performance from home saved seeds.

Farm Saved Seed

Supporting Our Future Seed Business

Our continued investment in seed plants and our Farm Saved Seed mobile seed units, enables maintenance of our quality standards and logistical excellence, ensuring accuracy of application to provide reliable seed quality.

Sustainable Production of Raw Material

Our seed production is carried out by high quality farmers as local to seed plants as is practically possible, reducing carbon footprint and supporting local businesses.

Investing in our people

The training of our Seed Specialists, quality control colleagues and operators meets all national protocols to ensure advice and product continue to exceed industry standards.


Regional Expertise

All of our local agronomy teams have Seed Specialists embedded within them to provide a high level of support and local understanding of the needs of our customers.


Working with the best to provide input solutions

Our seed treatment solutions are rigorously tested through our own trials network to provide the best proven products available in the industry. 


Seeking out new markets

We are continually analysing opportunities to introduce innovation crops to the UK market, expanding customer choice through species adapted to UK conditions and supported by consumers.


Buy-Back Opportunities

We work with consumers and grain partners to identify suitable varieties for buy backs across all species

Seed Technical Manager Discussing Crop Varieties and Genetics with Farmers

To Order

Call the Agrii Seed Desk on 01277 898202

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Seed Book

Seeds Yearbook
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Agrii Card Seed Calculators

Seed Rate Calculator

Use our Seed Rate Calculator to help you plan your seed requirements and establishment goals

Seed Rate Calculator
Agrii Advisor Ollie


We are the UK’s leading agronomy company, with more than 300 BASIS-trained consultants offering independent advice

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Agrii Card Fertiliser


Agrii specialists are equipped with the most up-to-date research and the best fertiliser products

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Livestock Product Manager Emma Gatehouse

Environmental Consultancy

Designed to provide growers with the best possible information to understand key areas of environmental management

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