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Published April 2024 for snapshot date of April 2023

In this section, Agrii publishes its Gender Pay Gap, in line with the UK Government’s legislative requirements on Gender Pay reporting for the snapshot of April 2023.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are important focus areas for everyone in Agrii and are matters that remain high on our agenda, influencing all-employee training, management training, ways of working and data analysis.

Whilst reporting does remain important to us and provides useful indications of where we are making improvements or where we could do better, our principles are unchanged in that we select people for career opportunities based on their skillsets and behaviours, irrespective of their gender.

At the same time we also seek to ensure that any selection process is undertaken in such a way that it avoids unconscious bias and recognises the importance of diversity in those applying for opportunities.

In our 2024 Annual Employee Opinion Survey, we’re pleased to see that within the ‘Diversity and Inclusion’ category of questions, responses improved yet again (For a third year in a row), reflecting the positive sentiment employees feel about ED&I at Agrii.

There are 12 other areas in the survey relating to working life at Agrii (including Reward) and we review the results by gender at both department level and company level to look at where we perform well and where we could do better.

As in previous years, we continue to expand on our collation and analysis of employee Diversity data in order to identify opportunities and focus attention to where it’s needed. That means that we’re now collating Diversity data on a voluntary basis from our existing workforce and collating of this data is now a robust part of our new-hire process, captured in our upgraded HR system which allows for data reporting at Company level in a range of Diversity metrics. That’s in addition to our ‘pay audits’ which help to ensure there are no imbalances of pay between people working in similar roles. We welcome the potential developments to government reporting requirements for minority groups.

Supporting people who want to develop their career is a huge focus for us - we regularly identify talent from around the business for our management and leadership development programmes. Within our talent management process we now review the gender proportion of rising talent and future leadership potential.

All employees are required to complete Diversity and Inclusion training and our managers are also required to learn about ‘Unconscious bias’.

We put as much energy into keeping our existing talent as attracting new talent. We strive to create an environment where employees can build long and successful careers and our high rate of retention is testament to this (currently over 12 years on average).

This also means it will take time to gain a more even gender balance through staff turnover but in 2023 and 2024 (to date) over 33% of our retained recruits (those still with Agrii as of report publish date) have been women and our females make up 25% of our total workforce (another improvement we’ve seen year-on-year). 

This demonstrates we are making strides in tackling the gender balance within an industry (Agriculture) that has been historically and still currently heavily populated by male workers.

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