Breeder:Type:Pedigree: |
Limagrain UKGROUP 1 (Bread & Feed)Cordiale x Gulliver |
✚ Remains a popular variety with the milling industry
✚ Excellent milling quality and ability to accumulate protein
Variety Positioning
Crusoe has made a comeback given the yellow rust concerns of Skyfall and KWS Zyatt.
It retains strong support from the millers for its excellent baking quality and from growers for its ability to lay down protein (13.4%).
Best drilled from the third week of September through to the end of October, but no later.
Average competitiveness against grassweeds.
Short and relatively stiff straw (7.4) (7.0) with medium maturity +1 (0).
A good set of disease scores with mildew (7), yellow rust (8.4) (7.6) and Septoria tritici (6.3) (6.2) but be careful with brown rust (2.7) (2.3).
Not resistant to orange wheat blossom midge.
Numbers in bold – Agrii Advisory List data.
Numbers in standard text – AHDB Recommended List data

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