Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

Farming for the Future: The Carbon-Cutting Potential of Incorporating Pulses and Legumes

The Carbon-Cutting Potential of Incorporating Pulses and Legumes

Today we’re going to be talking with Lucy Cottingham, Agrii UK digital agronomy manager, Steve Portas agronomist and Northern technical advisor and Josh Murphy, RHIZA product manager. 

Agriculture is a very significant emitter of CO2 and today we are going to be talking about an innovative project called Nitrogen Climate Smart, which aims to bring about a reduction of 1.5mt of CO2 emissions per annum.

The aim is to increase pulse and legume crops in arable cropping to 20%, the benefits of which to both arable and livestock enterprises could lead to cost savings over £1m per year.

Let’s learn more about this innovative project and what it could mean for your farm business.

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To read more about Agrii’s involvement with the NCS project, visit here

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