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Efficient Farming with Tom Perrot

In this episode, we’re talking to Tom Perrott, Crop Inputs Specialist at Agrii. Efficient farming is always a key topic, what does that mean as we look at this season and beyond?

Today we are going to ask some questions, how can we improve efficiency of crop production that in turn leads to improved profitability. 

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How Can We Improve Efficiency in Crop Production?

Tom Perrot:
Efficient farming is something every agricultural business strives for. At the core of it, farming needs to be profitable, and a profitable farm is built on efficiency. By engaging with new ideas and technologies, businesses can stay at the cutting edge and improve their resilience for the future.


What Does Resilience Mean in the Context of Efficient Farming?

Tom Perrot:
Resilience in farming is about understanding and managing risks. From my perspective, especially when it comes to fertilisers and nutrients, it's about adapting your buying strategies and being prepared for market changes. Efficient farming means thinking ahead—whether it's tomorrow, next month, or three years from now.


How Important Is the Idea of "Less Is More"?

Tom Perrot:
The age-old adage "right time, right place" applies to farming just as much as anything else. It's all about attention to detail—understanding how different products work best under certain conditions and applying them at the right time to maximie their effectiveness.


How Can Inputs Be Used More Efficiently?

Tom Perrot:
Some inputs that seem like new technology are actually products we've had for a while, but now we have a better understanding of how to use them. For example, foliar nitrogen and products like Caci have been around for a long time. It's about revisiting these products and understanding how they fit into modern farming to increase efficiency.


Can You Share Examples of How Farmers Are Using Inputs More Efficiently?

Tom Perrot:
Yes, we have farmers who are composting chicken manure and applying it more efficiently using tools like interrogators. Foliar nitrogen is another area where we're seeing significant efficiency gains by reducing overall nitrogen usage. We're also working with enhanced urea, which allows growers to use it like ammonium nitrate but with better risk management and efficiency.


What New Innovations Are You Working On?

Tom Perrot:
We're starting to engage with a new product called Fortis OMF (Organic Mineral Fertiliser), which is a pelleted digestate combined with mineral fertilisers. It’s high in organic matter, sustainable, and extends the life of the mineral fertiliser we add to it. This product contributes to improving soil health while offering a low carbon footprint.


How Does Fortis OMF Improve Soil Health?

Tom Perrot:
Because it’s digestate, the organic matter has already been broken down to a degree, making it more accessible to soil biology. This helps improve soil structure and boosts the microbial life within the soil. It’s a great product for those looking to enhance their soil health in a sustainable way.


What Role Do New Technologies Like Drone Imagery Play in Efficient Farming?

Tom Perrot:
Drone technology allows us to gather detailed imagery and make very specific recommendations for crop management. At Agrii, we’re exploring how we can use this data to improve recommendations for things like variable rate fertiliser application, making farming even more efficient.


What Is the Key to Profitability in Farming?

Tom Perrot:
It all comes down to the bottom line. Efficient farming is about maximising margin per hectare, not just chasing yield. Farmers are becoming more focused on profitability and how they can make their businesses more resilient by being more efficient.


What’s Your Top Advice for Farmers Looking to Improve Efficiency?

Tom Perrot:
Don’t be dismissive of new technology, but also remember that trialling on your own farm can be just as valuable. Farms have their own personalities, and doing on-farm trials can teach you a lot about what works best for your land. And don’t be afraid to challenge your neighbours or Agrii staff on how you can make your farming more efficient.

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