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Agrii adviser is first fruit adviser to gain graduate diploma

News - 09.08.23

Long-term fruit agronomist Gary Saunders has become the first non-arable adviser to gain the Harper Adams University graduate diploma in agronomy with environmental management.


A member of the Agrii fruit team since 2014, Gary has specialised in fruit since completing BASIS diploma in crop protection after graduating from Wye College with a BSc (hons) in horticulture in 2000.

Serving fruit and vine growers across the south-east of England, Gary’s career has spanned commercial production, research and agronomy.

Gaining the diploma, which builds on the certificate in crop protection (commercial horticulture) received in 2016 and the BASIS diploma in agronomy awarded in 2021, involved promoting a wider understanding of the farmed environment.

“Modern agronomy involves far more than just good crop protection and I am increasingly called on to advise on problems for which the solution cannot be found in a bag or can,” says Gary Saunders.

“The gradate diploma reflects the scope of the modern job with modules on soil and water management, conservation and waste to land, among others. As an adviser to some of the biggest names in the industry, I recognise that to best serve their needs I need to constantly develop my skills and breadth of knowledge,” he adds.

Gary Saunders Horticultural Agronomist Fruit Crop Specialist

Gary Saunders

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