Agrii specialists in conversation on farm

Our expertise is deep and varied because we built Agrii by combining specialised companies over the last 30 years

Let's find out more about how Agrii helps with more about sustainable farming and the production of safe, affordable and healthy food

Name: Amy Watkins
Job Title: 
Sustainability Project Manager
Previous role(s):
Sustainability Project Manager
Home-based (national role)

Tell us about your role, what do you do?

I manage the Green Horizons Initiative, including actioning the various ambitions within the manifesto throughout our business and liaising with manufacturers on the projects we run.

My role is to communicate our approach to farmers and throughout the wider supply chain, ensuring we are supporting farmers through the current and future challenges facing their businesses.

How did you get started in your role?
Since I was born, I have always lived on a farm. Lambing was always my favourite time of year, and I would be out in the shed first thing every morning and last thing in the evening.

After leaving college, I went to Harper Adams University, where my ‘academic’ education in agriculture began. I was particularly interested in the Agri-Environment sector, and sustainability, which I continued to express an interest in throughout my degree.

My time in Industry started when I was offered a Scholarship Placement opportunity with Agrii, to experience an overview of an agronomy business. I spent 12 months hopping around the various departments, which only added to my aspiration to work within agriculture.

After finishing my final year of university, I was offered a position as a Sustainability Project Manager and Agrii, to help develop Green Horizons. I haven’t left since then!

What do you love most about your job?
That I am working to support farmers and increase the sustainability of the agricultural sector – something which I have always been passionate about.

Any advice for people looking to get started in the industry? 

Very cliché, but I do believe if you are that passionate about something, don’t give up on it! Speak to people, and keep in contact with old colleagues. You may be pleasantly surprised by what becomes available.

What is the biggest challenge you face in your role and why?

Working in a part of the industry where there are so many unknowns. Nobody knows where we are going to be tomorrow, let alone in 5 years. It can be difficult trying to make changes when you don’t know what the outcome will be.

In a few words, how would you describe being an employee of Agrii?

Friendly, Inclusive

Fun Fact about yourself?

I have always loved being outdoors and camping, so this summer, I spent a lot of my time off hiking, kayaking and camping in a tent on top of the landrover.

Take us through a day in your life.

Time of Year: Autumn

This day covers Amy's previous role as Sustainability Project Manager
during the lockdown period.

"I am yet to experience working in this role beyond the virtual world, but here is a typical WFH day in September in between teams calls."