Fodder Beet
Fodder beet is a high yielding crop that can be grazed in situ or
lifted and clamped to feed over the winter.
This high energy feed is extremely palatable and will improve milk yields and daily live weight gain.
The high dry matter types are generally a harder beet which sits deeper in the ground making them more winter hardy and suitable for lifting. The medium dry matter types are softer and are suitable for both lifting and grazing. Low dry matter types are very soft and are only suitable for grazing. These low dry matter types should be utilised first as they can be susceptible to frost damage.

Tadorne is a white rooted variety combining very high dry matter yields with a high dry matter content. It is suitable for both feeding to livestock and anaerobic digestion. The high dry matter content reduces clamp losses and enables the beet to be stored for a longer period of time.
A high yielding variety that is suited for lifting and not grazing. It is ideal for growers who are looking to produce a high quality feed with a very high dry matter % content. Brick is a true fodder beet and therefore exhibits cleaner roots, but will still deliver very high dry matter yields for maximum feed potential. Rhizomania tolerant.
Fosyma is a new high yielding variety of similar dry matter % to Tarine. 40% of the rose coloured roots grow out of the ground, so it lends itself to grazing as well as lifting. It comes with an excellent agronomic package with excellent powdery mildew resistance and is rhizomania tolerant. It is also very resistant to bolting.
Blizzard’s characteristics makes it ideal for lifting and not grazing. Its high dry matter content allows growers extra harvesting flexibility. It will produce a very palatable feed, which is best chopped and fed to dairy or beef animals because of the high dry matter content.
ROBBOS (Our top selling variety)
Robbos consistently produces high dry matter yields from a medium DM content, meaning it’s ideally suited for first time fodder beet growers. Its clean yellow roots are easily harvested and can be fed whole, chopped or grazed in situ for sheep, beef and dairy production. Because of this, Robbos is out top our selling variety.
Magnum is a palatable variety which therefore increases dry matter intake in all stock. Due to its high dry matter content it is more frost resistant than other varieties with a high proportion of clean, white root in the ground. This makes it suitable for lifting rather than grazing.
Blaze has the potential to produce excellent dry matter yields with very clean, bright red roots. Trials show that low dirt contamination ensures high intake with no scouring. Blaze is a medium dry matter variety which enables the roots to be fed whole, chopped or grazed in situ for sheep, beef and dairy production.
Jamon is a well known, tried and tested variety, which produces palatable clean orange roots. It’s a medium dry matter type which makes it ideally suited for grazing or lifting and feeding whole, chopped or grazed in situ for all livestock types.

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