Skyfall - Group 1 Winter Wheat
Breeder:Type:Pedigree: |
RAGTGROUP 1 (Bread & Feed)C4148 X Hurricane |
✚ High yields and excellent drilling date flexibility
✚ Stiff straw and reasonable Septoria tritici resistance
Variety Positioning
Remains a big variety due to its consistent performance, late-drill flexibility, stiff straw and early maturity.
Widely accepted by UK millers and often finds its way into export cargoes.
Suitable for all areas and it can be drilled right through to the end of the first week in March.
Short, relatively stiff-strawed (7) (7) and early to mature (0) but watch for potential sprouting and prioritise harvesting accordingly.
It has a generally good disease package but watch yellow rust (3.1) (2.5).
Acceptable performance as a second wheat and resistant to ear blight (7) and orange wheat blossom midge.
Numbers in bold – Agrii Advisory List data.
Numbers in standard text – AHDB Recommended List data

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Skyfall Winter Wheat
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