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Manganese Product Quality & Provenance

The Case for Quality

Product provenance and formulation is essential for maximum efficacy. With prevalent economic pressures, growers should understand the cost and performance implications of the product choices they make. Advisors should have the confidence to clearly demonstrate this value to those growers who may be unaware of differences in formulation as a result of variances in raw material.


INSOLUBLE in water

Manganese dioxide is INSOLUBLE in water, which is why a manganese sulphate is required.


the resultant liquid AFTER the manganese dioxide has settled out of suspension


1,4,5,& 6 formulations all available in the UK.

Sample 1 is from Agrii supplied product, here showing
no visible signs of Manganese dioxide out of suspension.

A look at Manganese provenance / value.

This image demonstrates the difference in formulations available in the UK market. Samples 4, 5 & 6, while better than some samples available, are not as good as sample 1.

Agrii Supplied Formulations

  • Agrii specification is at least 15%
  • Formulated product derived from poor quality raw material will contain insoluble manganese dioxide
  • Agrii use consistently high quality 32% which is batch tested, providing 16% MnSO4

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